Wednesday 9 December 2020


 Hi bloggers my name is Aarav. We did mindfuess this week we had to go in the hall and the hall was dark. There were mats around the hall. It was relaxing and the maps were soft and it was fun.

We had to stretch our backs to relax our back. We did the butterfly. We did the mountain pose.

These students are doing the boat pose.
Blog ya later

Friday 27 November 2020

Big foot bike training

 My school did big foot bike training with some bike trainers. We wore some helmets. We wore helmets to keep our heads safe.  If we don't put on our helmets we will get a bad injury on our head. 

The bike trainers told us the rules. We did hand signals. We played the box game. We did red light and green light. The bike trainers told us all of the rules about the games and the rules about safety nurse It was a lot of fun. It was hot But The bike that I have was big And One of the bike trainers Put my feet down so I could touch the ground The safety rules for fun There were small kids bike medium bikes and pit bikes that we're mountain bikes the big ones There were two sessions and One was hard one was easy I both like them 

Friday 18 September 2020


This week I have been playing basketball at my school and with my class and my friends and my teacher. I had fun playing basketball, there were basketball teachers coming to our school to teach us.

I had a lot of fun playing basketball.   

Some of the skills we did were to learn to dribble, pass the ball and to take a shot.

Friday 11 September 2020


Today I did a kahoot with my teacher and my friends in class. Today's kahoot was about Tongan language week. It was Tongan words and I couldn't understand it. I didn't get some right and the internet was not working but the internet was full. I saw how it was not working, it was full. It took a long time to get back in the game and  some of the questions I got right. One I clicked was right but the other was wrong 

And the teacher said to pack up and because the bell was going to Playtime.

Blog 'Ya Later 

Friday 12 June 2020

creative writing

link ones a upon time there was a little girl The little girl was wearing A little dress one day She was lost in the city one day she found a wolf in the tongue and the wolf dist go to the girl has a bon and one day the girl and the wolf was look at the stayi
and the stay was like a Wheel in the stay the girl and the wolf was look at the stay and the girl had a dream in bad and the wolf was sleeping gaon the grandmother with have toys on the grandmother.

Friday 5 June 2020


Hi people welcome to my blog! This is my first post of 2020 and it is about my getting to know you form. This form is about myself and my family. The getting to know you form is for everyone in our syndicate to get to know each other.

Monday 13 April 2020

Cameron Pools

Hi bloggers, I am going to talk about Cameron's pool today.
So lots starred first we went to Cameron's Pool by
bus to learn and have fun. We also had two swimming
teachers to teach us swimming first we went and got changed.
Then we went to sit on the bench then it was our turn to go to
have fun and some swimming lessons. First we did dolphin diving
and then we had. Some free time then we went back to our lessons we
learned how to back float, and then we did front float. Then we got out of
the pool to get change. We got changed when we were changed, some students
got changed fast. So they went out to line up and waited for us and when we all are
finished changing. We also got out and lined up then we went to the bus to go back
to school. When we arrived at school we got to have some free time to play outside. A
few minutes later we got back in the classroom. We went into the class and packed up our
classroom then we all came together then our teachers talked about some things we were
waiting for the bell to go then it was 3:00 the bell went, and we all went home. 

I will see you on my next blog